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Thema: Galactic Civilizations III - Patch Notes

  1. #31
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Akropolis
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    Naturschutzgebiet Mark Brandenburg
    Neutrale und freundliche Rassen handeln durchaus mit Waffentechnologien.

  2. #32
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    ja, aber seit 1.6 wohl nicht mehr die feindlichen wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe ....
    und eigendlich ist es auch logisch

  3. #33
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    So wie ich das verstanden habe handeln auch Neutrale nicht mehr mit Waffentechnologien. "only if you are friendly or allied with them" das heisst doch, dass auch neutral eingestellte Rassen nicht mehr mit Waffentechnologien handeln.
    Zitat Zitat von Astropikus Beitrag anzeigen
    aber ich verstehe sehr gut, daß man mit einer feindlichen spezies keine modernen waffen handelt !!!
    würdest Du deinem todfeind die wasserstoffbombe verkaufen ??
    ich nicht
    Normalerweise sicher auch nicht. Aber wenn ich zum Beispiel auf einen Krieg nicht vorbereitet bin und mir damit die nötige Vorbereitungszeit erkaufen kann, vielleicht. Oder wenn du so gut wie besiegt bist und dein Gegner bietet dir Frieden an, vorausgesetzt du lieferst ihm eine Waffentechnologie.
    Aber eigentlich ist es tatsächlich logisch, bloss habe ich die Erfahrung gemacht, dass selbst Gutmütige und pragmatische Rassen bald Ärger miteinander bekommen. Da bleiben dann nicht mehr viele Möglichkeiten um die verschiedenen Waffenspezialisierungen "einzusammeln" was vom Spiel wohl eigentlich auch nicht vorgesehen ist. Aber mir gefällt es halt besser wenn ich mich nicht entscheiden muss welchen Vorteil ich will.

  4. #34
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    ich kann dich verstehen ...

  5. #35
    Transhumanist Avatar von Herminafried
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    Patch Notes 1.61:


    The Starbase Military ring and its two upgrades now give a flat bonus.
    All other Starbase military modules still give multipliers but at higher values.
    Reduced the Starbase Range boost given by Military ring by 1.
    Starbase culture bases and modules now generate more influence per turn
    Increased the anomaly counts on mid-range settings.


    Fixed issue with the "The Trireme" not being able to construct a starbase
    The Derr now gives the proper fleet defense bonus
    The Caravan description no longer overstates its Fleet Range ability
    Fixed typos, clarified Mercenary ship descriptions, and clean up some Tech Tree descriptions.
    Fix several issues with the -L -P -D versions of assorted ships not being named correctly.
    Torians can now build research related starbase modules and run the research planetary project.
    The Arcean Defense module starbase module no longer slows friendly ships.
    Campaign: Set it up so Blessing I trigger will be disabled if Blessing II is colonized first.
    (Uppdated 3/2)Custom factions with the "amphibious" trait should get the proper bonuses
    Ships can no longer eject onto tiles occupied by Asteroids.
    Fixed issue with life support and some weapons augments that weren't using the correct manufacturing cost type.
    Re-enabled multiplayer play for people with mismatched DLC in most cases. However, players with Mercenaries can only play against other Mercenary players.
    Unforgiving, Eager, and Abundant traits should properly work again.
    The Altairans can now build the Champion's Temple.
    The Elerium Defense Shields adjacency bonus now works properly.
    Fixed crashes on insane maps with 80+ factions.
    Fixed crash caused by a ship being awarded to a player that had just died or defeated.
    Creating a custom faction after playing the campaign no longer crashes the game.
    Fixed updated descriptions of the Hyperion improvements.
    Fixing a problem where the detailed match results were not always been saved properly
    Fixed an issue where a few of the Altarian ships were using the wrong thumbnails
    Addressed an issue with the AI Surveying guarded anomalies.
    Multiplayer: Addressed some desync issues.
    Ship designer no longer crashes if ship has too many support modules
    Fixed mismatched values in the starbase sensor modules descriptions.
    Reduced the mercenary cost inflation rate
    Fixed a problem with missing colony ships in the Milky Way campaign


    Added inverted color swatches for the Arcean and Torians for custom factions
    Desaturated the Torian Continent gradient some, to make Green hexes more visible.
    Fixed rounding issue in the display of Mercenary abilities that caused apparent mismatch between the description and its effects
    Any ship with nebula immunity will not show nebula effects in the tooltip now when in a nebula.
    Fixed font for nebula effects in the Fleet Tooltip.
    The Required Resources will no longer double up/break in the ship designer in Medium UI.
    Increased the available space for the resource number text, in both the main game window and the shipyard window.
    The Cancel Upgrade button would get disabled if you upgrade, then canceled, then upgraded again. This is now resolved.
    Fixed some issues with the relic icons in the resource bar looking bad on medium UI.
    Wenn Bewußtsein nicht mehr bedeutet als einen Lichtblick zwischen zwei Ewigkeiten der Dunkelheit, dann gibt es nichts Elenderes als die menschliche Existenz.

  6. #36
    Deep Space Nine Avatar von jet2space
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    Schon jemand den neuen "großen" patch angezockt?
    Überlege das wieder auszupacken, ich kannte mich nach einiger Zeit echt nimmer mehr aus in bei meinen unzähligen Schiffen..

  7. #37
    Deep Space Nine Avatar von jet2space
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    1.7 Patch Change Log (Released 4/21)

    1.7 Patch Change Log (Released 4/21)
    The long awaited Starbase update is here!

    The new Constructor queuing system means you'll never need to track upgrade modules again. We've also completely reworked the Shipyard ship list to make it easier to find the right ship for the right job. Also, we've added the ability to inspect an enemy fleet and get prediction of the fight's outcome. The ship component system is getting balancing change. Finally, we've improved the diplomacy trading system.

    Please check out our Dev Journal to learn more about the 1.7 update.

    Reduced Starbase micromanagement
    Starbases now queue upgrade modules directly from Shipyards. Ordered Constructors automatically travel to the Starbase and upgrade it. Constructors are ordered from the Shipyard that can deliver the upgrade in the shortest amount of time.

    Improved Ship List
    Introducing new Ship List sorting and grouping options to make it easier to find the ships you want. Mark your "favorite" ships to make them easy to find in every game.

    Improved Starbase Window
    We've updated the Starbase Window to better present information about the installed modules and the Starbase's effects. The window also displays more detailed Starbase statistics. These changes will aid you in managing the Starbase and empire.

    Battle Assessment
    Know what you are getting into! Hovering over an enemy fleet now displays an estimation of whether or not your fleet will be victorious. This same information is displayed prior to starting a battle.

    Ship Component Mass Changes
    Component mass now scales based on the ship's hull size (e.g. you need bigger engines to move a bigger ship). The changes shouldn't affect average players but are important to address some late-game exploits. Although this change won't impact the standard ship designs, existing custom ship designs may need to be revised to work with the new system.

    Diplomacy Updates (Opt-in #2)
    Your friends are more likely to give you a better deal! Diplomacy trade values now scale based on your relationship with other factions and the game difficulty.

    Planetary Alert System (Opt-in #2)
    Planetary growth stalled? We added new alerts on the planet window to warn you if your influence, population, or approval are holding back your colony from its full potential.

    Third Party App Block Option (Opt-in #2)
    We added a game option that blocks 3rd party applications from hooking into the game's graphics process and crashing the game. Blocking is enabled by default. If you'd like to capture in game video, you will have to disable this game option.

    Change Log
    Starbases can now queue multiple upgrade modules directly from Shipyards. Once built, Constructor modules automatically travel to the Starbase and upgrade it.
    Starbases have Shipyard sponsors. As modules are added to the Starbase queue, Constructors are added to the Shipyard's queue that can deliver the module in the shortest amount of time. By default, all Shipyards sponsor all Starbases. This can be changed on the "Sponsor" screen.
    Starbases can handle constructors with multiple modules.
    Players can choose what Constructor blueprints to use on the "Sponsor" screen.
    Selecting a Starbase on the Galaxy map will draw connection lines to the Starbase's sponsor Shipyards.
    Queued Constructors are treated the same as other Constructors while en route. Diverted, destroyed, or traded Constructors will be re-queued automatically.
    Players can enable Starbases to automatically order available upgrade modules.
    The Shipyard manufacturing queue displays the Constructor's destination and upgrade module type.
    Starbases can still be upgraded by manually built Constructors and specific Mercenaries.
    Queued Constructors have a custom ship design for each faction.
    Added maintenance cost to all starbase modules for all difficulty levels except beginner and normal difficulties.

    Ship List Screen
    Ships are organized by type and role.
    New sorting options: size, attack, version and resource cost.
    You can add ships to a "favorites" list that is saved when you exit the Ship List screen.
    These "favorites" available even if you start a new game.
    Added a prioritize button to move selected ships to the top of the build queue
    Added reverse sorting to the ship design list.
    Newly designed ships (including auto-upgraded ones) are marked as "new" so they are easy to find.

    Starbase Screen
    Added more detailed Starbase statistics.
    Modules and their effects are now both visible simultaneously on the main screen.
    Added a build queue for ordering new modules. Build queue items include an estimated time of arrival.
    Added a Sponsor screen to manage what Starbases are building Constructors for that particular Starbase. By default, all Shipyards are sponsoring each Starbase.
    Sponsor screen has a "Set as default Constructor" option which makes the currently selected Constructor the new default Constructor for future Starbases.

    Battle Assessment
    Hovering over an enemy fleet displays an estimation of whether or not your currently selected fleet will be victorious. This same information is displayed prior to starting a battle.

    Shipyard Auto-Idle
    Added Shipyard auto-idle function that replaces the old "shutdown". If the Automatic Idle checkbox is selected, the Shipyard will shutdown if it has no ships to produce. Adding a ship will automatically resume production.

    We have improved the balance of the diplomacy system to make it more fun and less exploitable.
    Item trade costs are adjusted based on relations and difficulty.
    Culture treaties can no longer be stacked with same faction.
    Added Diplomatic Office and Diplomatic Outpost Starbase modules.
    Updated AI Strategies and Diplomatic Modifiers to better balance AI aggressiveness.

    Planetary Alert System
    Added alerts added to influence, population, and approval statistics if one of these attributes is at risk. The Alert tooltip includes information on how to address the problem.

    Gameplay changes
    Lowered cost of Celestial Tourism for Krynn to be closer to the average cost.
    Ship component mass now scales based on the ship's hull size.
    Sensors now have a "sensor power" statistic that controls the area scanned. Sensor power has a diminishing returns effect on overall sensor range. Sensor tooltips provide additional feedback on this new system.
    Changed the default Planet Frequency from Abundant to Common
    Increased the Sensor Power of higher level Ship Components and Starbase Modules.
    Limited some ship components to be one player, including the Bane and special Precursor components.
    The Scout ideological Event now uses Sensor % bonus instead of a flat range bonus.

    Added a "None" option for Govern/Command window for a ship/fleet's destination
    Added "eject all" button for stationed ships in a shipyard, starbase, or planet.
    You can now (again) choose Medium UI scale for 1920x1080 screens.
    Custom scout ship will no longer appear with the Survey Ship icon
    The content of the Mined Resources tooltip will no longer escape its frame.
    Created a new Sensor Range tooltip that shows the Sensor Power, what is affecting the Sensor Power, and how much Sensor Power is required to upgrade the Sensor Range.
    The "Saving Game... Please Wait.." message should no longer get stuck on the screen.
    Fix stretching artifact in the up and down combo box arrows.
    Updated the Ship Designer's resource bar to be vertical to match the strategic map and shipyard. This will also address problems with text in that control from being clipped.
    Updated the Sort order arrows on the Shipyard List
    Fixed a bug that was turning all Status Bars to the Highlight color in Large UI
    The "now building" text now correctly shows the build module for starbase modules in the shipyard context area, the shipyard tooltip, and the shipyard list item in the main game
    Shipyards list on the right side.
    Fixed an occasional problem with selecting ships when the player had negative resources
    MP: The start button no longer appears over the "Mega Events" drop down menu
    MP: The "Mega Events" listbox is disabled as Mega Events are not allowed in MP.
    MP: Human players now always appear on top in the lobby, whether they are ready, pending, or unclaimed (for restored games).

    Bug Fixes
    Outbreak Ideology event now provides the proper research bonus
    Fixed a crash when attempting to loading an old save game pre-Mercenaries and then using the fog-of-war cheat after buying Mercenaries.
    Fixed typos in the Mercenary ship descriptions
    Mercenary ships can no longer be upgraded by stationing them in planets, shipyards, or starbases.
    Fixed lighting issues in the Yor faction leader animation.
    High-end Prototype ship blueprints are now marked as "-R" designs
    Fixed some weird starting perspectives in Battle Viewer
    Fixing a CTD caused by destroying planets.
    Updated the campaigns with text fixes.
    Fixed issue with Gravity Field Generator star base module that was speeding up enemy ships rather than slowing them.
    Fixed bad data on the Precursor Satellite world that was causing the associated events to not work as intended.
    Add new Heavy Survey blueprint to all races
    Fixed numerous crashes on game exit.
    Fighters are no longer missing in Battle Viewer
    Interceptor fighters will no longer appear in the Shipyard List.
    Disabled Colonizing event on the Iconian secondary world to so that the Iconian's system is consistent with other faction starting systems.
    Fixed a case that would cause the starting Battle Viewer camera to be pointing in the wrong direction.
    A faction's power will no longer wrap to zero if the ship power ratings were too high. This was causing really powerful factions to surrender.
    Fixed a problem with Mods with custom ship styles that were causing an infinite loop and crash.
    Fixed a stuck turn when a command tells a ship to eject to the shipyard it's being built at.
    Fixed an issue where a shipyard can station too many ships. This was the source of multiple problems including crashes and odd gameplay behaviors (e.g. creating stacks of mixed player ships and enemies).
    Fixed an issue where ships can eject onto anomalies and nebula when a free tile was available
    Fixed an infinite loop when there are no Shipyards in the empire that can supply module orders.
    Fixed stale battle log data that was causing fighters to be incorrectly spawning either in the battle viewer or on the game map.
    Fixed planets that were turning invisible after fighting off an invasion.
    If a ship joins a fleet on "Guard", the fleet will stay on on "Guard"

  8. #38
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Akropolis
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    Naturschutzgebiet Mark Brandenburg
    Da ist aber schon der 4 Beta Patch zu 1.7 draußen. Für große Reiche mit vielen Basen ist der Patch Mist.

  9. #39
    Transhumanist Avatar von Herminafried
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    CHANGELOG v1.8:

    Asteroid Mining

    Asteroids within your ZOC can be mined. Each Mining base costs 500 credits and takes 3 turns to build.
    Mined Asteroids will provide a raw production bonus to the nearest planet. The bonus is reduced by distance. You can reassign the receiving planet.
    If the ZOC changes, the Mining Base will be automatically flipped.
    Mining Base can be attacked and blown up by enemy fleets.
    Mined Asteroid map icons are tinted to their faction's color.
    Colonies can be decommissioned for scorched earth tactics
    You can rename Mining Bases by clicking on their name in the context panel
    Note: The Asteroid Mining feature will require starting a new game.

    Star Information Window

    You can now click on a star to see colonizable worlds within that solar system.
    Clicking on one of the planets will select it on the strategic map.
    Click on a star's name to rename it.

    Uncolonized Planet List
    The Colonies list now has two sections: Colonized and Uncolonized Planets. Uncolonized Planets lists out the planets you've discovered but haven't colonized yet.
    Both sections are collapsible and are independently sorted.

    Ship Leveling

    Ships gain experience through winning battles and surveying anomalies. This experience translates into a ship level.
    Ships gain additional HP as they level up.
    Mercenary ships gain additional bonuses.

    Improved Multiplayer experience
    Refactored movement and events systems to reduce the number of stuck turns and desyncs during multiplayer. These changes should have no gameplay effects.
    Increased the movement speed of ships only in multiplayer.


    Diplomacy Statistic bonus increased from 2 to 3
    Conquest Victory Goal is not active until after turn and the player has a reasonable military
    Easy target modifier now takes trade routes into effect and reduces the impact accordingly if the player is trading with them
    Ships In ZOC diplomatic modifier takes into account how many ships are in the ZOC . If it's just 1, it tends to let that slide.
    Added recommended player counts to each galaxy size. When you choose a galaxy size, you can choose to automatically add the recommended number of players to the game.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed a potential issue when setting a destination for a fleet that can move and immediately hitting 'end turn'
    Iconian Defenders will no longer respawn after being attacked by a faction with the "Scavenge" ability.
    Prevented a crash if a mod tries to reference a missing sound file
    Right-aligned the values for the lobby details section to account for differences in length of the titles for various languages.
    Planets can be renamed again
    The Lobby Window was being hidden unnecessarily when clicking the Invite Friends button. It now stays visible in the background.
    Fixed various places where long names (planet, shipyard, or starbase) would break out of their frames.
    Fixed issue that prevented allies from using the "declare war on" offer during trade.
    Fixed crashes caused by canceling a starbase modules.
    Fixing an issue where canceling mining starbase modules on a starbase with claimed resources caused the starbase to remove the queued modules incorrectly.
    Fixing a tooltip where it would say you can't build you because the module is claimed by another starbase, when in fact it was claimed by the current starbase and the warning is in error.
    Fixed typos in the description for the "Precious Metals" planet feature
    Logistics now shown with decimal values. Previously, value was being rounded in the UI and which in some cases, made it appear that a fleet had room for another ship.
    Re-implemented the round robin colonization event mechanism to be simpler and also functional. This should fix problems with colony events not firing after the list is exhausted.

    Wenn Bewußtsein nicht mehr bedeutet als einen Lichtblick zwischen zwei Ewigkeiten der Dunkelheit, dann gibt es nichts Elenderes als die menschliche Existenz.

  10. #40
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Mondkalb
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    Klingt gut.

  11. #41
    Dazu gibt es eine neue DLC-Kampagne "Rise of the h00mans".

  12. #42

  13. #43
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Mondkalb
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    Mit dem Patch 2.5 gibt es eine ganze Reihe von Verbesserungen:


    Achtung Spoiler:
    v2.5 Changelog

    Save games from earlier versions of the Galactic Civilizations III will not be supported. Yet, the previous 2.33 build available is a "beta" on steam as "Galactic Civilizations III Classic"

    Consolidation Detailed Changes

    Merged Crusade and "base" game code. There is now only one exe for both products. Most fixes and improvements will be shared between both games.

    The following Crusade specific game play elements are disabled in base game: Citizens, Invasions, Promotions, Espionage.

    Base game players continue to have following:

    Use the Production Wheel (instead of Citizens) to adjust your planetary and civilization economy. Note that we've removed coercion from the game

    Invasion system 1.0

    Minor Civilizations 1.0

    Administration points are tied to galaxy size rather than citizens.

    Base Game changes from Crusade

    Crusade and Base game now share a common UI base. Aside from elements tied to version specific features, the UI looks identical between the two versions. For base players, this means a cleaner and more functional UI.

    Resources system overhaul. Resources accumulate over time, are required for more ships and improvements, and are more valuable in trading.

    Starbases are now upgraded using resources, not constructors.

    Updated the diplomacy screen window.

    Improvements to the Diplomacy and trading system to use the new resource system; as well as more intelligent and fun to trade with.

    Cities/ Food -- you now use food (a resource) to build cities, which determine your colony's population cap. Food can be traded, just like any other resource.

    Added "word on the street" -- quick feedback on the status of your planet.

    Merged down some of the alerts from Crusade

    Crusade specific elements of civ builder are disabled in base game mode.

    Race Type and Starting Fleet are hidden outside of Crusade

    Citizen portraits/names buttons hidden outside of Crusade

    Flavor Text portion replaced with customizing startup screen outside of Crusade

    Disabled Fleets tab outside of Crusade


    Ship designer is now on the main menu

    Moved game text down to base data files. This will make future changes much easier.

    Merged many asset files (music, sounds, special fx)

    Merged over the improved Crusade version of icons, improvements, and planetary tile thumbnails.

    Removed a lot of redundant game data from Crusade and the base game.

    Updated the base ship design files to use their Crusade versions (which look nicer).

    Updated Ship class defs and ship style set defs so that there is only one ship class defs file and the defs say which uses them.

    Made substantial improvements to the DLC data system that improves stability and speed.

    Use "-DisableDLC "Crusade" to disable Crusade.

    Moved custom data templates to the base game folder and renamed the files to be a little clearer. Changed the Conversation System to use the new location. (Modders! This might affect you).

    Moved all the schema from Crusade down into the base schema folder. (Modders! This will very likely affect you).

    Base Game Improvements

    Major fix/improvement to turn times and stuck turn issue: Only battles on screen and zoomed in will be played out OR if it involves the player.

    Every unit of population now produces 1 raw production point.

    Eager bonus reduced from 1 per conquered planet to 0.25

    Rush cost multiplier increased from 10X to 20X

    Coercion penalty eliminated

    Base population growth reduced from 0.2 to 0.1

    Tech inflation increased from 0.01 to 0.02

    Asteroid base cost reduced from 500 to 100

    Base colony production points reduced from 5 to 1

    Capital world population cap reduced from 10 to 5

    Default colony population cap reduced from 5 to 3

    New Improvement: Space Elevator

    New Improvement: Computer Core

    New Improvement: City (consumes food to provide population)

    New Improvement: Administration Center (build to get more administrators, consumes food)

    General re-balance to planetary improvements to go with the new population model

    Improvements changed to support the new differentiation between military manufacturing and social manufacturing

    Various improvements are now set as indestructible to eliminate various cheese strategies

    Yor can increase population easier but it now costs a Durantium to do it.

    Improvement maint. generally reduced

    Eliminated Colonial Hospital Improvement.

    General balance update of improvements to deal with the new resource system.

    Economic Stimulus now doubles planet's economy rather than provide a 5% bonus

    Research Project doubles planet's research.

    Cultural Festival doubles planet's influence production.

    Birthing subsidies double planet's birth rate.

    Planet features (Cataract, etc.) updated to support new social/military manufacturing system.

    Weapon systems now use some resources: Antimatter for high-end missiles, Elerium for high-end beam and Thulium for high-end kinetic-weapons.

    General reduction of maint costs for weapons

    Updated balance of weapons based on feedback

    Hull costs increased to deal with inchard coded50 to 50

    Shipyard cost reduced

    Starbase defenses reduced from 10 to 5

    Influence starbase modules greatly increased in power.


    The Production Wheel now dynamically resizes to its parent window

    Removed an ancient camera control window that no longer used.

    Updated the Title Window to work with both Crusade and Mercenaries.

    Fixed title of Load Transport Popup Window

    Removed text for obsolete ships that weren't being used.

    Reduced AI bonuses at higher difficulty levels since the AI itself is now much smarter.

    Added special popup message if the player tries to load an older save game

    Fixed display bug where the base administration displayed in the resource log tooltip wasn't matching the stat


    Fixed a potential exploitable blind spot that caused the AI not to attack certain planets when it should.

    Made the "can't build near starbase" constructor error message use the global defs distance instead of hard coded distance.

    Added ghosting to data compiler so that the game does not appear to be hung when starting up.

    Fixed potential crash in movement phase from trying to using a null pointer.

    AI won't send colony ships off the map when intentionally missing a distant planet

    Changed the Influence and Diplomacy system updates to prevent checksum errors in MP.

    Fixed a GWG bug where the base game administrators didn't show up on the first turn

    Fixed issue where AI could build multiple starbases in a turn even if they only had one administrator left

    United Planets actions are now handled by the host (adds stability, and prevents checksum error)

    If you defy the UP and then go into a "new game", the Defy button will no longer be disabled until you restart GC3.

    Updated the Title Window to work with both Crusade and Mercenaries.

    Fixed issue where Administration tooltip wasn't showing correct available administrators number in base game mode

    Fixed issue where "Report" button on ship context window did not actually bring up the faction report screen

    Fixed issue where the social/military manufacturing tokens were not clearing whenever manufacturing was at 0

    made it so that manufacturing is always split, whether the colony is sponsoring a shipyard or not

    Fixed issue where when you purchased a mercenary, the rest of the entries would no longer display their resource cost (you were still prevented from buying the merc, but it gave the illusion that all mercs lost their resource cost)

    On the ship context window, the "Report" button is now disabled for special players (like the Dread Lords)

    Added error code for transport having no population

    Re-implemented the error for "Not Enough Administrators" as it was sometimes not showing up at the right time.

    Added stability to the Influence Border System

    Fixed issue where the AI could set a ship's destination to a negative y value

    Fixed issue where using the Asteroid 1 material for your custom faction would cause the rally point to show up as pure black

    Added new material def for rally points (all rally points now use this material instead of the faction materials)

    Fixed issue where resource log was showing "shipyards" instead of "starbases" in base game for administrators used by starbases

    Fixed issue where starbase administration usage was being shown as an additive instead of a subtractor

    Message box errors on invalid starbases and civs are hidden unless it's running Crusade mode.

    Added null check to prevent crash when mousing over a fleet in the map editor

    Fleets are now named using the owning faction's full name, instead of the short name

    Added build version check between client and host when inviting to an MP lobby (player is now restricted from joining lobbies that have a different build version by invite to match behavior in lobby list)

    Fixed MP data loading to better handle mismatched DLC.

    Fixed display bug in mercenary window where it wouldn't properly disable mercenary entries if the player couldn't afford only the credits cost of the merc

    Fixed issue where mercenaries could be bought by a player when they didn't have enough credits, as long as they had enough of the remaining resources required

    DLC 4 (Precursor Worlds)

    Production point bonus from one of the events reduced from 4 to 3

    Production point bonus from Precursor exploitation reduced from 30 to 3

    There's a bunch of the above. Insta-win if you got one of these.

    Expansion 1 (Mercenaries)

    Mercenary costs increased substantially

    Mercenary ships that cost resources cost when you buy them rather than per turn

    Mercenary tag added to the mercenarydefs.xml


    Major fix/improvement to turn times and stuck turn issue: Only battles on screen and zoomed in will be played out OR if it involves the player.

    Population to raw production now 1 to 1.

    Starting capital world population reduced from 10 to 5

    New improvement: Administration Center. Provides an Administration point

    Basic laser renamed Enhanced laser as it requires Elerium

    Starbase default defenses nerfed somewhat

    Starting credits increased from 2500 to 3000

    Rush cost multiplier reduced from 25 to 20

    Tech inflation added. Now to the 1.02 power.

    Governors more friendly to synthetic populations

    General balance pass on planetary improvements to go with the new population model

    Unique planetary improvements can no longer be destroyed

    Planetary Invasion is now in the Age of Expansion (arrives earlier)

    Various tweaks to planet features for better pacing

    Slight reduction in cost for civilian ship components

    Substantial increase in the cost for military ship components

    Fixed issue where some improvements would switch their bonus when they upgraded which caused them to be inferior in some cases

    General balance pass on weapon values based on feedback

    Shipyard HP increased from 25 to 50

    Tweaking to various planetary resources to improve pacing.

    Calculation of player objects moved out of update AI to improve multi-core stability

    Fixed bug where the human could exploit the AI for free ships if the AI treasury was negative (ya bastards!)

    AI more risk taking with its colony ships

    AI now has its own fleet formation function to avoid ships not becoming fleets (safe)

    Fixed bug that would prevent transports from finding a destination in some cases

    AI much better about saving up its resources to use with ships

    AI much MUCH better at building up its planets, using farms, building cities, etc.

    Fixed issue where the Yor would not build up its planets because it was obsessed with reproducing.

    AI will replace existing weaker improvements with superior improvements late game.

    AI much more careful about rushing improvements and ships to keep a decent bank balance so that it can better build up asteroids, hire mercenaries, etc.

    AI functionality to determine tiles it should replace with newer improvements.

    AI better at fleet handling.

    Fixed bug where the AI didn't always recognize the human was trying to culture flip their Planet

    Default players per map size updated:

    Tiny: 3 to 2

    Small: 4 to 3

    Medium: 8 to 6

    Large: 12 to 8

    Huge: 16 to 12

    Gigantic: 20 to 16

    Excessive: 30 to 32

    Crusade owners will now play the base game campaigns using the base game rule set (e.g. without Citizens, Espionage, etc.).


    Removed an ancient camera control window that no longer used.

    Updated the Title Window to work with both Crusade and Mercenaries.

    Removed text for obsolete ships that weren't being used.

    Made the Administration Center precluded by synthetic and silicon based life for Crusade

    Base game now has the same (substantially lower) ship maintenance values as Crusade.

    Added special popup message if the player tries to load an older save game

    Fixed display bug where the base administration displayed in the resource log tooltip wasn't matching the stat


    Fixed a potential exploitable blind spot that caused the AI not to attack certain planets when it should.

    Major fix/improvement to turn times and stuck turn issue: Only battles on screen and zoomed in will be played out OR if it involves the player.

    Fixed issue where AI would destroy improvements that were indestructible.

    Fixed bug where the approval would get stuck at 100% if certain events triggered

    fixed Recruit Entrepreneur description text to not say it's recruiting a Scientist

    Various null pointer crash fixes.

    Added stability to the Influence Border System

    Fixed issue where the AI could set a ship's destination to a negative y value

    Fixed issue where using the Asteroid 1 material for your custom faction would cause the rally point to show up as pure black

    Added new material def for rally points (all rally points now use this material instead of the faction materials)

    Fixed issue where resource log was showing "shipyards" instead of "starbases" in base game for administrators used by starbases

    Fixed issue where starbase administration usage was being shown as an additive instead of a subtractor

    Fixed issue where AI could build multiple starbases in a turn even if they only had one administrator left

    United Planets actions are now handled by the host (adds stability, and prevents checksum error)

    If you defy the UP and then go into a "new game", the Defy button will no longer be disabled until you restart GC3.

    Made the "can't build near starbase" constructor error message use the global defs distance instead of hard coded distance.

    Added ghosting to data compiler so that the game does not appear to be hung when starting up.

    Fixed potential crash in movement phase from trying to using a null pointer.

    AI won't send colony ships off the map when intentionally missing a distant planet

    Changed the Influence and Diplomacy system updates to prevent checksum errors in MP.

    Added null check to prevent crash when mousing over a fleet in the map editor

    Fleets are now named using the owning faction's full name, instead of the short name

    Added build version check between client and host when inviting to an MP lobby (player is now restricted from joining lobbies that have a different build version by invite to match behavior in lobby list)

    Added Rally point material to Crusade material defs to so they don't sometimes disappear.
    Fixed MP data loading to better handle mismatched DLC.

    Fixed display bug in mercenary window where it wouldn't properly disable mercenary entries if the player couldn't afford only the credits cost of the merc

    Fixed issue where mercenaries could be bought by a player when they didn't have enough credits, as long as they had enough of the remaining resources required

    Anscheinend gibt es aber noch ein Problem mit der Textgröße (Text ist bei einigen kleiner geworden).

  14. #44
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von WeissNix
    Registriert seit
    Hansekontor Lübeck
    Im Steam-Forum lese ich von vielen, die meinen, GC2 sei nach seinem letzten Patch noch immer das bessere Spiel bzw. das mit der besseren KI.

    Entwickler-Beitrag vor ein paar Tagen zu dem Vergleich GC2 vs. GC3:
    At this stage, GalCiv III is better than GalCiv II in terms of AI in most areas but not all. By this Winter, I expect GalCiv III to be better than GalCiv II in every way in terms of AI.
    Furcht führt zu Wut, Wut führt zu Hass, Hass führt zu unsäglichem Leid.

  15. #45
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit

    finde das seit dem update die KI besser ist als in Galciv2 vorallem machen sie auch viel mehr tauschgeschäfte und es gibt einen balken der den deal bewertet. Da kann man sehen ob sie einen ausbeuten wollen oder nicht.


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