Seite 69 von 69 ErsteErste ... 19596566676869
Ergebnis 1.021 bis 1.029 von 1029

Thema: Rise of the Dictators 2

  1. #1021
    Registrierter Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    It would be a shame to see this game die so close to the end I think.

    Are the Soviets in need of someone to look after them?

  2. #1022
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Alcibaides
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    Sure Ingvar, I'd be happy to let you take over.

  3. #1023
    Barcelona 5-Real Madrid 0 Avatar von Rebelious
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    Marina Baixa, Alicante (España)
    McMonkey, if you start a new game can I play Germany or Italy?

  4. #1024
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Alcibaides
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    Zitat Zitat von Ingvar Beitrag anzeigen
    It would be a shame to see this game die so close to the end I think.

    Are the Soviets in need of someone to look after them?
    I have sent you 2 pms (I had to seperate them because the text would not fit in one message).

    The first message has some background on what is happening and general tactics.

    The second message has some tips I have learnt regarding the mechanics of this scenario, i.e. it has tips on what units are good for what purposes and some tips about the stackable terrain feature, etc.

    Good luck Ingvar and let me know if you have any questions.

    Have fun.
    Geändert von Alcibaides (10. Februar 2011 um 17:08 Uhr)

  5. #1025
    Evertonian Avatar von McMonkey
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    I was just wondering what the situation was with you at the moment Alcibaides. Have you managed to get Civ2 working on your new PC? I hope so as you are a valued member of our little community I understand if Ingvar is taking over as the USSR, no quibbles there.

  6. #1026
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Alcibaides
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    I have Civ2 running without many hiccups on my new computer. The problem is getting all the additional goodies suh as civcity.exe, civdiplomacy.exe, and simply using the cheat menu. Which means that I can't gift units and cities, etc.

    But to be honest I have a lot less time on my hands now anyway so I am happy to let someone else take over.

    By the way McMonkey, what happened to that excellent Scenario league website? That was a great repository of scenarios, but it appears to not be online anymore. With that in mind, where can one download your scenarios nowadays?

  7. #1027
    Evertonian Avatar von McMonkey
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    The Scenario League has recently moved hosts from Apolyton to Civilization Fanatics Center. The forum is now here and the Wiki site is here. Unfortunately Apolytons new owners lost most of the Wiki's data when they upgraded Apolyton recently. That was one of the reasons we decided to move to a more stable host. Luckily one of the members, Harry Tuttle who built Gold Gultch, had made a backup of the Wiki before it went down and he is in the process of rebuilding it with some assistance from the SL members. This may take a while but we will get there eventually. In the meantime I think most of my scenarios are available from the CFC Download Database.

    One unforeseen consequence of the move has been much increased activity in the forum with many new scenarios in development and being completed.

  8. #1028
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Alcibaides
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    Man this was an epic game. McMonkey, how are you mate? Happy New Year!

    By the way, you were so close to taking Moscow, I was hopeless, the USSR was going to crumble. And then out of nowhere, you decided to retreat, if only you knew how close you were to victory.

  9. #1029
    Evertonian Avatar von McMonkey
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    Happy new year Alcibaides! Good to hear from you mate.

    This was one of my favourite scenarios I have played in and I do have a ToT version under development. Hopefully one day we can play it again.

    If I remember correctly I had used up a lot of my strength taking Smolensk and Vyazma and I was pretty thinly stretched. My situation was more like Napoleons than Hitlers. I was advancing along one main axis towards Moscow and I felt that even if I managed to take the heavily fortified city, that would be as far as I could progress for some time as I would have no offensive units left and all my re-enforcements were needed in Italy and France. Losing Moscow would have been a big blow for Russia, but with the vastness of the country to fall back into and still plenty of large cities it would not have been a killer blow. In the end Germany was defeated because it could not fight a war on three fronts. I still feel very disappointed that Franco didn't secure Spain as it caused me major problems later on. However this was partly my fault as I was saving units for the early invasion of Russia, rather than supporting the Spanish Nationalists. Even in defeat I really enjoyed this very interesting scenario.

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