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Thema: New Admin

  1. #106
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Sipahi
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    Geändert von Sipahi (10. August 2004 um 23:14 Uhr)
    Is there anybody out there ...

  2. #107
    Verteidigungsminister Avatar von bongo
    Registriert seit
    Fetsund, Norwegen
    Zitat Zitat von Striker
    How do you get it, Tom?

    I've tried it, but I've seen no option
    Hm, I don't have mIRC in front of me now, but there is a menu hidden in the upper-left corner in the channel-window(not the main window but the window where the chat is held), I think one of the menu items are 'log & save'.
    Der letzte Zugführer* des Deutschen Webring Teams, Sieger der ISDG ( *I was zugführer for like 3 months, that's...4 turns? )

    Trying to improve my german but laziness keeps getting in the way...

  3. #108
    Himmelslaeufer Avatar von [CvE]
    Registriert seit
    Gibt 2 Varianten..

    Entweder mit rechter Maustaste auf den Channel in der Channelleiste klicken und ->"Logging" aktivieren..

    ..oder im Menue (Alt + o) den Oberpunkt +IRC suchen und dort unter -Logging "Automatically log" auf "both" stellen. Die Logs werden dann im unten drunter angegebenem Pfad gespeichert..

    Wir leben im Fruchtwasser kosmischer Barmherzigkeit..

  4. #109
    »Straika da Baja« Avatar von Striker
    Registriert seit
    Bayern, Passau
    Ok, vielen Dank für die Infos

  5. #110
    Tanzt Avatar von zerialienguru
    Registriert seit
    Im schönen Oldenburg
    FortyJ ist jetzt für dieses Forum freigeschaltet, er kann ziemlich gut deutsch (besser als ich englisch, auch wenn er was anderes sagt )

  6. #111
    Verteidigungsminister Avatar von bongo
    Registriert seit
    Fetsund, Norwegen

    Here's the result of the investigations as posted by FortyJ in the UN:

    At long last, the investigation is complete.

    First, I want to thank all the teams and their members for their patience and cooperation while Luc and I worked to resolve this issue. Our investigation turned out to be much larger and require much more work than we originally anticipated, but we believe that we have uncovered the information needed to rule fairly.

    We have concluded, as a result of our rather lengthy investigation, that there was indeed a violation of the game rules. This violation has resulted in the temporary suspension of a member of APO for a period of no less than 10 turns or 21 days, whichever comes first. This suspension period will begin immediately.

    This member will not be permitted to post in either APO's or this forum for the duration of his suspension. Participation in chats and or communications via e-mail or other means that include game-related issues are equally forbidden. Violation of these restrictions will result in further penalties. Once 21 days have passed or 10 turns have been completed, he may petition to rejoin his team.

    I'd especially like to thank APO for their cooperation in this investigation. At their request, I have chosen not to disclose the identity of this individual as I see no need to embarass him further. Furthermore, I'm going to refrain from going into details with respect to our findings as it may compromise and/or reveal sensitive information about one or more teams still competing in the game.

    I'm sure that some of you are very curious about the details responsibile for this extended delay, but I hope we can all put this issue behind us and get back to enjoying the game. Thank you again for your patience and understanding.

    Now, let's get back to the game! Play on!

    The result do not surprise me.
    Der letzte Zugführer* des Deutschen Webring Teams, Sieger der ISDG ( *I was zugführer for like 3 months, that's...4 turns? )

    Trying to improve my german but laziness keeps getting in the way...

  7. #112
    »Straika da Baja« Avatar von Striker
    Registriert seit
    Bayern, Passau
    Schön, dann geht's ja endlich weiter

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