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Thema: 90 - Kemet, das Land der ersten Hochkultur

  1. #31
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Yes, without cultur, we don’t have a good place for a second city.
    Bronze-Sailing is not a bad idea.
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  2. #32
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    I've attached the worldbuilder I made of our start location, I'm going experiment with different tech possibilities, to see how early we can get second city + religion versus getting a trier, settler, workboat.
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  3. #33
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    After the worker is done, remember to swap to the 2/1/1 tile instead of the 2/2/0
    We need the research more than the spare hammer.

  4. #34
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Actually I swapped to the 2/1/1 tile early, because it cost only one worker turn, but accelerated the Bronze Working date by one turn, being a net wash in worker turns, it just trades 3 food (first farm delayed by a turn), for 5 commerce and a turn faster teching. I thought that was a good tradeoff to make because the sooner we get to Fishing and Sailing, the sooner our hammers can start to mean something useful.

  5. #35
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Good Point.
    I think, Fishing- Sailing is without question after Bronze, so the only question: Do we want a second city in the island?
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  6. #36
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    So I was thinking about that, and I think the answer is that it's pretty much useless before either A) it gets borders pop, or B) Capital has some cottages down and we want to split off a wheat.

    I think we should probably settle on the northern island/landmass first, with that fish in first ring culture, before we actually settle the second city on our own landmass. Additionally, while I don't know what the true size of the map is, the size in the settings is listed as "small" and Rob said something about 6-10 cities per player, so we are likely going to be cramped. It is possible that we do not even have this first ring of expansion guaranteed, and that the islands we see now are equidistant to another player's starting square.
    If that is indeed the case, and it's not unlikely, then I can foresee us delaying the second city on the island for a long time as a safe backline to fill up later, while we instead spend settlers on claiming more land overseas.

    With the current information we have, I expect it to be our 3rd or 4th city unless the map turns out very cramped.

  7. #37
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    I've managed to get a turn 38 settler, turn 39 galley, and turn 41 settle overseas. It's very slow but was always going to be slow if we delayed the city on the island, now that the galley is built however, the second city should be quick to follow. Additionally the commerce in this start is quite good as we will have +2 compared to normal trade routes. Depending on what we find on the island, I think we would tech either pottery or Mysticism?

    it might be possible to beat this using double worker and more chops, but I'm not convinced as the main constraint seems to be tech rate.
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  8. #38
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    We can't play fast. We could settle a second time on the island, but the city is not good. Fish only with culture and no grassland, so it could only work coast. With FIN a maybe, but without a clear NO.

    City T41 is good.
    The worker should chop the wood to 2/3 and build roads, or ?
    We have nothing, we could use the woods for. We need sailing for a good second city.

    But I am sorry, I can spend enough time on this game in this week. I can play, but report or strategize should be difficult.
    Next week should be better.
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  9. #39
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    I forget the precise tile work combinations, but we basically maximize commerce until we have sailing.
    We work the fur and wheat at size 2 while slow building a settler. This is because growth doesn't give very good tiles, and we get several natural hammers that would be going to waste into a warrior (pay maintenance) or a barracks (useless), so we only start growing past size 2 when there is a good thing to sink the byproduct of production into (workboats at fishing).
    After fishing, we pause the settler, and switch from the 1/2/1 fur to the second wheat 2/2/0 (5/1/1 after farm finishes) and start work on a workboat (two of them in fact), leaving the settler at fewer than 70 prod invested (I believe it's 64). We work coast if it gets sailing faster, otherwise grassland forests for the better yield.
    The capital should be size 4 at that point and the turn before sailing comes, we two-pop whip the settler and chop, overflowing into a one-turn Galley.
    I have a suspicion that we have copper on the island 2N of the capital, seems like the sort of thing a contrived map would have, and if that appears that might change micro plans.
    Thats what the worker will be doing until Bronze Working, roading to that spot in anticipation.

  10. #40
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    If any of the lurkers read this, I have some questions about the map:
    If you feel they aren't allowed to be answered, just ignore them.
    1) What is the size/dimensions of the map? Usually this is given to players at RB before the game so they have some idea what length of game to plan for and don't end up randomly guessing, some luckily, some unluckily.
    2) Why is there all of one hill and it's a fur on the entire starting island? idk if this was oversight or if there was something intentional, but I feel like some of the plains could've been grassland hills to allow players some variety of tile improvement, as is, looks like total reliance on whip or a copper/iron reveal for hammers.
    3) If the barb luckbox is enabled, why do you disable huts?

  11. #41
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    1) I think, we find this unter "Settings". i wil take a look in a few moments.
    2) The meta here is whip, whip and whip. But yes,a few GLH insteand of plains could be better.
    3) You mean Events, or ? Yes, a early Event could end a game, but in this case, I think, we could remove the barbs from the map. And one (or two) techs from huts ?
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  12. #42
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Small as worldsize for costs.
    Angehängte Grafiken Angehängte Grafiken
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  13. #43
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Zitat Zitat von xist10 Beitrag anzeigen

    Small as worldsize for costs.
    Yeah that affects things like buildings required for national wonders, costs, maintenance, and drafting count, but the actual dimensions of the map is in tile count, length, width are unknown.

  14. #44
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Then no. The best we get is something like 5 city’s per civ.
    Achtung Spoiler:
    PB88, PB89, PB91 , PB90, PB92, PB93; RB 72, RB 74
    292, 293, 294, 295

  15. #45
    Registrierter Benutzer
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    Copper has appeared overseas on the grass hill near the fish, we might have barb trouble on the island as a Lion is visible, but I'm not sure when the archers will start to spawn. There's also the question of whether to delay the settling by a turn to ship 2 warriors onto the island first. Either way would be fine by me, it's only 1 turn cost, but you don't win a big pitboss without taking some risks

    Edit: I'm stupid, if we just want to settle in the spot we disembark, we just send one warrior onto the tile first, then the settler, and the only danger is an unlikely panther.

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